Computing for Beginners
Tutor: Angela Guppy
This course provides an introduction to basic Computing for Beginners, including Laptops, Tablets and Smartphones.
Classes will be held at the Uniting Church (Annexe): Mondays at 9:00am. Extra class at 8.00am and 10.00am if required.
Students are asked to bring their own device.
Potential students wishing to learn about using the listed devices may leave an email enquiry at
[email protected] or contact Angela (0410 691 358)
This course provides an introduction to basic Computing for Beginners, including Laptops, Tablets and Smartphones.
Classes will be held at the Uniting Church (Annexe): Mondays at 9:00am. Extra class at 8.00am and 10.00am if required.
Students are asked to bring their own device.
Potential students wishing to learn about using the listed devices may leave an email enquiry at
[email protected] or contact Angela (0410 691 358)