The New Enrolment form for all Classes to be held during 2024 will be available at enrolment day or click here for the Enrolment Form. This form will be available soon.
Please complete a form and print (if possible) and take it to the Class on the first day of term. Alternatively, if you are unable to print a form, hard copy forms will be available at enrolment day.
Telephone Enquiries for all courses: Peter (3263 3595)
except for
French Classes: Barbara (email: [email protected])
Mah Jong Classes: Ann (3261 4103)
Piano Club: Beth (3263 1059)
Computers and Other Devices Class: Angela (0410 691 358) or David (0458 215 504)
E-MAIL ENQUIRIES: before you submit the form, please fill in your name and email address. When you click on submit you will be asked to prove that you are not a Robot. Just click in the box provided. Then Submit.
[email protected]