All Games and Exercises Classes are $25 per term
INDOOR BOWLS It is a social activity and is held at the Uniting Church: Wednesdays at 12.30pm. Elizabeth Struder will be the Class Convener. The mats and bowls are supplied. Students and helpers for setting up are most welcome. LINE-DANCING Classes are held in the Uniting Church Hall, Robinson Rd Aspley each Wednesday during terms, starting at 9.00am and going through to 10.30am. The only requirements are to wear comfortable shoes and enjoy yourself. Note: Limits on the number of students attending this class might apply. MAH-JONG Friday mornings see many tables around the hall from 9.00am until 12.30pm. Beginners are catered for from 11.00am while continuing players play from 9.00am until 10.30am. Morning Tea is enjoyed at the conclusion of the first session i.e. 10.30am. The venue is the Uniting Church Hall, Robinson Rd Aspley. Note: In Term 4, only a composite class is held, with no formal tuition. All Mah-Jong players are welcome to attend between 9.00am and 12.00pm. All enquiries regarding Mah-Jong Classes: phone Ann (3261 4103) GENTLE YOGA Tutor for this class is Maria Nascimento. Classes are held in the Uniting Church Annexe on Mondays from 1.30pm to 2.30pm. CANASTA Convenor: Teresa Salvati. Uniting Church (Annexe): Monday at 10.00am (or 11.00am, if there is a Computer class at 10.00am - students will be advised about this). Learn to play, or continue to play, the Ponytail version of this card game. |